Rev. Hiram Bingham - 1st Missionary Company 1820

Last Updated: Jun 22, 2017 PST

PICTURE: Hiram Bingham 1852Name: Hiram Bingham
Born: Bennington, VT. on Oct. 30, 1789
Schools: Middlebury College -1816; Andover Seminary -1819
Arrived: Apr. 19, 1820
Station: Honolulu (Oahu)
Married: Hartford, CT. on Oct. 11, 1819 (Sybil Moseley)
Departed: 1841 to U.S.
Died: New Haven, CT. on Nov. 11, 1869
Other: He was pastor of the first church (Kawaiahao). He was prominent in the creation of a written Hawaiian language, and the translation of the Bible and school books. He was also a trusted adviser of Kings and chiefs in their complications with foreigners. In 1852, after the death of his first wife after returning to the U.S., Mr. Bingham married Miss N. E. Morse, of New Haven, Ct. She died on Aug. 31, 1873
Source: [1] Picture: Hiram Bingham 1852[1]

PICTURE: Mrs. Sybil (Moseley) Bingham 1819Wife: Mrs. Sybil (Moseley) Bingham
Born: Westfield, MA. on Sep. 14, 1792
Arrived: Apr. 19, 1820
Married: Hartford, CT. on Oct. 11, 1819 (Hiram Bingham)
Children: 7
Departed: 1841 to U.S.
Died: Easthampton, MA. on Feb. 27, 1848
Source: [1] Picture: Mrs. Sybil (Moseley) Bingham 1819[1]





  • [1] Extracted From "Portraits of American Protestant Missionaries to Hawaii" (1901) - Published by the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society